Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Thanks to the Lefevre Trust  which has made this exchange possible, not only can we have fun learning about each other's  culture and languages but we are visiting each other's school too!

Mersi bras !  Merci beaucoup ! 

Salud! Sut mae?

Helo mawr o Gymru! 'Rydym ni yn falch i gydweithio gyda chi...we are happy to be working with you!

Monday, 24 November 2008

Sed-aze ar gartenn 9 broBreizh. Emañ Skolaj Diwan Bro-Dreger e Treger Vihan e-barzh Plijidi.
This is a map of the nine regions of Brittany. Our school is found in the Tregor region in the town of Plésidy.